"The solution to solve "brain fatigue" problem is "Optimistic"
Kousuke Kitajima, a men’s breaststroke swimmer who has participated in the Olympics many times and has achieved brillant results. After 2008 Olymic in Beijing, the word “Game brain” spread quietly over the source of Kitajima’s ability to demonstrate his abilities.
What is the source of the game's ability? The answer is "Brain"
The author named “Naruyuki Hayashi” once wrote in his book “How to train the game brain” descrtibes the negative effects of “Brain Fatigue symptoms”. He wrote that when most of depression and lack of motivation create brain fatigue which makes eveything else becomee negatve.
What is "brain fatigue"?
Brain Fatigue is when the mental condition is deeply related to lots of streasses , problems that cannot be solved, bad personalities and pessimism. These mental states of mind lead directly to brain fatigue. Brain fatigue that depresses motivation and creates negative thinking circuits. Apparently, overcoming this “brain fatigue” is a shortcut to the brain that leads to success.
So how can you prevent brain fatigue?
Once Mr.Shigeyuki Hayashi, a Japanese Asian Modern and Contemporary Painter who was born in 1896 cite “The Brightening of personality” as the first condition of the game brain. It is said that a super player who is strong in the game has a bright personality that cannot be said anything.
The state of mind depends greatly on your lifestyle. In dialy life, it is also very important to create and train behavior patterns that acheie the tasks and goals of the day by thinking positively, avoid using negative words and overcome oneself rather than rivals.
Positive ideas can be said to be the sources of maximizing one’s own power and abilities that can be possessed not only in sports but also in other fields as well.