2020/01/13 (Mon) Broadcasting on Nippon Television’s Life Changing One Minute Deep Story “Close Contact with Mie Prefecture’s Governor’s Wife, Miho Takeda” A certain Ken-chan Carta scene was aired. Click here for an article on Nippon Television’s Adhering to Miho Takeda’s wife, Governor of Mie Prefecture.
Tag: TV / Radio
NOAS FM It was introduced in “Jimosh GO! GO!”
The Oita COPEL Nakatsu classroom was introduced on NOAS FM “Jimosh GO! GO!” “COPEL is a kindergarten where children go to school with their eyes shining.They teach not the children who can study but the fun of learning.”
“Yu-Waku Wide” TV coverage has arrived at the Beppu station classroom
10/31 Oita Broadcasting “Y-Waku Wide”, ” Cupell Beppu Ekimae Classroom” was introduced in the corner of “Housewife’s Tomo” . TV crew, including Tomomi Iwasaki, who is popular in Oita, brought out the goodness of Koper as one of the special features of their children’s lessons.
CS broadcast Nikkei CNBC “The world is now” was introduced
In the program, Koper’s efforts are introduced. First challenge to the birthplace of the US franchise [Main broadcast] 8/17 (Wed) 20:50-21 :00 [Rebroadcast] 8/21 (Sun) 22:00-22:10 For more information, please refer to “Program Introduction-The World is Now-JETRO Global Eye | Nikkei CNBC” . Click here to see how to watch. Internet distribution on JETRO HP will be available from around 16:00 […]
TV West Japan “Momochihama store” was introduced in
In the “Momochihama Store” TV Momochihama Store , where I want to meet people and learn, “Can I go now?” , The preschool education app “Digital Koper” was introduced.